Based on the famous television game show, Wheel of Fortune: Deluxe Edition stars a digitized version of Vanna White, the lovely woman on the program whose job is to turn the letters on the game board. (In the current rendition (1999) of the show, she merely touches a letter to make it visible.)
Standing before a wall of hidden letters which will eventually spell out one of more than 4,000 phrases, places, things, or events, you must spin a giant wheel (which is pictured on another screen) and hope the pointer lands on a high dollar amount. If the wheel does land on any one of the dollar amounts, you can either try to buy a vowel (if you have accumulated at least $250 in the current round) or guess a consonant. If you guess a consonant correctly in the puzzle, you score points and get to continue spinning. If you successfully buy a vowel, you don1t score any cash, but it is still your turn and the puzzle is that much closer to being solved.
During any of your turns, you may choose to solve the puzzle before or after you guess a letter correctly. If the wheel stops on BANKRUPT or LOSE A TURN, or if you run out of time, then it1s automatically the next person1s turn. If the wheel lands on FREE SPIN, you can use it right away or save it for later in the round. Rounds two through four are similar to round one except higher dollar amounts are added to the wheel. Round five is a speed-up round in which the wheel is spun for you.
If you are determined the winner, you get to play a bonus round by yourself. You can play this game against the computer, or you can compete against one or two friends.Controls: Gamepad/Joystick | | Released | Jan 01, 1993 | Developer | GameTek | Publisher | Imagitec Design | Players | 3 | Co-Op | No |
Game Rarity
Average Price (USD) |
Rarity |
Popularity |
$7.21 | 985 | 37 |
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