Game Information

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You play a god, gaming against other gods in a celestial game of conquest. To win, you must help your chosen people take over the world and wipe out the vermin who worship that other god. Each god starts out with a single human, dumped into the middle of the wilderness. Sometimes there is inhabitable land in sight, sometimes not. To get win, you must change the landscape, creating flat land for your followers to build on. The more followers you have you have, the more powerful you will be, so take care of them. Build as fast as you can, because the other god is doing the same. When you have enough followers, you can make the leader of your people into a hero. He will then go around the land you have built, literally taking strength from the people into himself, and working his way toward the enemy. When he gets there, he will engage in holy warfare upon your enemy's people. He will burn; he will kill. And he won't stop until they're all dead... or he is.

- TheGamesDB

ReleasedSep 30, 1991
DeveloperAcclaim Entertainment
PublisherBullfrog Productions

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Additional Information

Charlton Heston may have portrayed Moses in The Ten Commandments, but you get to play a God in Populous for the Super Nintendo. Your goal is to eliminate from the face of your world the followers of Evil.

You are given the power to command the forces of nature. You can create earthquakes, floods, volcanoes and other catastrophes, and you can even turn fertile plains into barren wastelands or oceans into fertile plains. Omnipotent as you are, there is a limit to your powers. It all depends on how many followers are at your command. You use these people to build towns, raise crops, multiply, invade the enemy, attack followers of Evil, burn towns and destroy crops. Once the forces of Good significantly outnumber the forces of Evil, you should call for Armageddon, a final doomsday battle.

There are 989 worlds in the universe of Populous. Ten types of terrain are used, including grassy plains, rock and lava, desert and snow and ice. Three modes of play are available: Tutorial, Conquest and Custom. The Custom mode lets you change landscapes, jump to new worlds and set the computer against itself. You can even play the part of the Evil deity!

Controls: Gamepad/Joystick

Box Description

You are a Supreme Being. The forces of nature are at
your command. The earth rumbles at your fingertips,
the oceans swell at your touch. Your faithful worshipers
depend on you to provide them with fertile land so they
can multiply and grow in strength, helping you conquer
the world. All in the name of goodness.
But evil scours the land while you toil. Move quickly
and lead your following to face the heart of darkness.
The thunderous heartbeat of evil pulses relentlessly,
calling you forth to your destiny.
This is no mortal task. But
fear not, you are no mortal!
entertainment, in c.
NS Ppd
.FXThere is strength in numbers...
as your population grows, so
doe' your supreme authorit
Adapt your strategies to meet
the challenges of 10 formidablé
terrains and over 90Cworlds.
Level and cultivate your land
for civilization@flourish.
The power to unleash volcanoes,
earthquakes and floods , all for
the sakeofgoodness, is yours.
This official seal is your assurance that
Nintendo has approvedthé qualityadffhts
SOYProduct. Always look fOrthieseälM1e
Æbuying games, and accessories to ensur
Seal of Quality
complete compatibility with yours pe
'Nintendo Entertainment System.
Distributed and Marketed by Acclaim Entertainment, Inc.
71 Audrey Avenue, Oyster Bay, NY 11771
Populous 0 1990, 1991 Electronic Arts; 0 1990, 1991 Imagineer
Co., Ltd. Populous is a trademark of Electronic Arts. Licensed
from Imagineer Co. Ltd. Nintendo , Super Nintendo Entertainment
System and the official seals are registered trademarks of
Nintendo of America Inc. 0 1991 Nintendo of America Inc.
Acclaim is a registered trademark of Acclaim Entertainment,
Inc. 0 1991 Acclaim Entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved.
Game Pak ( SNS-GP ). Made in Japan.
21481 60101

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