The player controls Gift in 3D arcade fashion and must navigate 10 levels and special rooms, picking up numerous items along the way and meeting characters from other games and films. There are the dwarfs from Snow White, a Darth Vader’s light sabre, Indiana Jones’ whip, and a machine gun from Quake, among others, throughout the levels. He’ll leap between moving platforms, avoid death rays, zap enemies, etc. His progress is often impeded by thought-provoking roadblock type puzzles, which require imagination, logic, and a keen sense of humor.
- TheGamesDB
Released | Jul 06, 2001 |
Developer | Eko |
Publisher | Cryo |
Players | 1 |
Co-Op | No |
Average Price (USD) | Rarity | Popularity | $25.83 | 992 | 376 |
A game by Régis Loisel and Philippe Ulrich.
, unskilled, unlucky and badly educated
anti-hero - has seven garden gnomes to
take back to the Princess who believes
he's Snow-White. Encompassing giant
crazy worlds including Tipanic, Star Stress
and many more. Featuring many brain-
easing 3D platform puzzles which mix
videogame and movie parodies. To suc-
ceed you must be able to run, jump, and
fight hordes of wacky monsters.
Happy hunting!
.cryo-i e
CRY France-u rue
This product is exempt from
classification under UK law.
In accordance with The Video
Standards Council Code of Practice
It is considered suitable for viewing
by the age range(s) indicated.
Tej..B3(O) 4465 25 65
I Player • Memory Card (8MB) (for PlayStation@2) : 290KB minimum • Analog Control Compatible: analog sticks only
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