Game Information

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GT-R 400 is a touring car racing game. It features two kinds of car types: production models and GT models. The races takes place on closed circuit tracks and the cars are entirely controlled from a third-person perspective. The driving experience can be customized with a number of gameplay options such as car damage, driving aids and automatic gears. Two licensed cars are available, the Ascari KZ1 and the Mosler MT900. Sixteen tracks are available and they cover three continents.

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ReleasedJun 01, 2004

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Additional Information

The first showing of the two titles commissioned from leading British developer Kuju are sure to receive a lot of attention. GT-R 400 is a glorious sports car racing simulation set for release in Q2 of 2004 and this will be supported by Midas' most expansive marketing plan ever for a budget release

Box Description

Are you t e next G -
'-10 c ampton.
GT-H 900 gwes you the best racing simulation
yet! Each racetrack has been uniquely designed
to provide the perfect racing experience.
Choose from some of the meanest monsters of
the track, Including the Rscarl KZI and the Mosler
MT900H, then head for the tarmac and compete
nose to tall against the likes of British GT 2003
Chompjon Martin Short.
• Hace across 16 vaned and ultra-realistic tracks
m 3 different continents.
• CT-R 900 features 6 progressjue championships.
• The Time Trtol mode Will push you to the limit
and reword the best drwers witmnew vehicles,
tracks ond o special Supercar to unlock.
• Beal-time damage affects the performance
of your car.
• The multiplayer mode lets two players fight
It out wheel to wheel.
I 2 Ptayer • hmory Card (8M8) PlayStation@2)•. IQKB minimum • Analog Contol Cnpatible: au btRtms
• Viratbn Function Cunpatible
• and •mayStatim• are trademarks of Smy Computer Entertainnmt tx. Ali Reserved.
Made in Austna GT•R 400 0 2003 Kuw Entertainment Ltd. was iS a traoernart of MICAS INTERACTIVE ENTERTAINMENT LTD.
Library programs 0 1997-2004 Sony Computer Enterta.nment Inc. exclusively to Sony Computer Entertüvrnent Europe
FOR HOME USE ONLY. Unauthorised anptatm rental. distributiM. extractim. resale. arca& use. charong
tor use. broadcast. puü perlorrrunce and Internet. cabk any telecornrnunkabons transtTüssim, Ecess ot use Of ttns product
tradenark Ot work that forms part ot this product are prohibited. PuMshed by MIDAS INTERACTIVE
ENTERTAINMENT Deveoped by Kuw Entertainment ud.
5 036675 004581
This software is only compatible with the PlayStatior02 computer entertainment system displaying the logo

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