Game Information

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7 Sins is a life simulation video game where the player must get to the top of the social ladder and make decisions related to the seven deadly sins. The game is set in the fictional Apple City. Throughout the game the player makes decisions based on pride, wrath, greed, envy, lust, sloth and gluttony. Once a relationship has been built new missions are unlocked. In total there are seven chapters and one hundred non-player characters to interact with.

- TheGamesDB

ReleasedMay 27, 2005
DeveloperMonte Cristo
PublisherDigital Jesters

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Additional Information

7 Sins is fast-moving story-based life simulation game in which players are plunged into a city ruled by sex, wealth and fame. Through a single-player campaign of seven single missions the player will be confronted with an assortment of risque, funny and dangerous missions. His ability to build his character and perform in over 20 hysterical mini-games (from the "vodka race" to the "toilet's Mozart") will be the key ultimately becoming the boss of Apple City.

Box Description

Money. fame and nice girls make for
a bebter life!
Your objecbive is simple: sbarb-i! oub nothing. use pur
mang talents bo climb and clau gaur wag bo bhe bop 01 bhe
heap and grai Lhab everyone in City craves:
Don't forget. without ambibion you're rptling.
dub if you ape nay—b, forget about ieimg
!ynpacleti locatiioils
final advice: a slap and again is often'*
, tffecbive bhan a length! dispussio
This is PlayStation@2 computer system the

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