Game Information

PSX - Harmful Park Box Art FrontPSX - Harmful Park Box Art Back

Harmful Park was only released on the Playstation in Japan by a small company named Sky Think Systems. It's your standard 2D side-scrolling shooter, except set in a bizarre amusement park. As the (relatively lengthy) introduction tells you, an evil scientist has taken over Heartful Park and is using it for nefarious purposes. One of his colleagues aims to stop him, but she's old to do it herself. So, she commands her two slacker daughters to save the day, equipping them with some kind of flying motorcycle armed to the teeth with strange weapons.

- TheGamesDB

ReleasedFeb 14, 1997
DeveloperSky Think Systems
PublisherSky Think Systems

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Additional Information

Harmful Park is wild and forceful, and it is a perfect addition for people who know their way around a gun. Bringing you innovative ideas and colorful graphics, this shooter game is ready to amuse. Fun loving people and hard-core gamers will be delighted by the features, excitement, and innovation of Harmful Park. The bold and pleasing graphics featured on this Sony PlayStation 1 video game help you to focus on how the color palette, text, and animation coalesce to create a rewarding game environment. The high-pressure and rapid-fire gameplay featured on this shooter game makes it easy for you to fire your weapon and blast through your enemies because you know you want to. Harmful Park is a superb companion to your Sony PlayStation 1 platform, so you can return to it for many years as a favored member of your game collection. With the high-precision and comfortable game controls featured on this Sony PlayStation 1 video game, you can aim and shoot your weapon without fatigue or discomfort.

Box Description

SIPS 00498

- ReaderBot (does his best...)

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