What a pity about your automobile. And your sister, she came to our mansion for help. But now, I'm afraid she desperately needs yours! Welcome to our humble abode... I regret you'll have to carry on your search alone. It seems we're down to a skeleton staff. Oh my! Is that your sister screaming? I hope you're not too late to save her. Horrors! It's becoming grotesquely obvious why all our guests feel so... Uninvited!
- TheGamesDB
Released | Jun 01, 1991 |
Developer | |
Publisher | Seika |
Players | 1 |
Co-Op | No |
Average Price (USD) | Rarity | Popularity | $60.02 | 977 | 183 |
Controls: Gamepad
hat a pity about
your automo-
bile. And your sister,
she came to our man-
Sion for help. But now
I'm afraid she desper-
ately needs yours!
Welcome to our
humble abode...
I regret you'll have
to carry on your search
alone. It seems we're
down to a skeleton
staff. Oh my! Is that
your sister screaming?
I hope you're not too
late to save her.
Horrors! It's becoming
grotesquely obvious
why all our guests feel
e 'd love to have
you stay for dinner
beauty is only skin deep.
Everyone is
dying foryou to stay
What a nasty little
accident you've had.
our most irresistible guest.
Don't you find
our decor captivating?
so .
. Uninvited!
44499 00013
Seal of Quality
Made in Japan
This official seal is your assurance that Nintendo@ has approved the quality
of this product. Always look for this seal when buying games and accessories
to ensure complete compatibility with your Nintendo Entertainment System@.
Exclusively distributed by: Seika Corporation, USA. Nintendo@ and Nintendo
Entertainment System@are trademarks of Nintendo of America Inc. Game-
Pak (NES-GP). UninvitedTMis a trademark of ICOM Simulations, Inc. and is
used with permission. Licensed in conjunction with JPI. 01986, 1990 ICOM
Simulations, Inc.01990 Kemco.
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