So you think you're a Top Gun hero, just because you splashed a few bogeys in the Persian Gulf. Well, before polishing your ego, you've gotta survive a second mission that's ten times more deadly than the first. Soaring against an Armageddon bound armada of planes, tanks, ships, and satellite laser beams, every ounce of your skill and courage will be drained as you fight fire with fire, while out-maneuvering anti-aircraft blasts, cannon bursts and heat seeking missiles that are looking to roast your tail.
- TheGamesDB
Released | Jan 01, 1990 |
Developer | |
Publisher | Konami |
Players | 1 |
Co-Op | No |
Average Price (USD) | Rarity | Popularity | $9.6 | 971 | 34 |
Controls: Gamepad, Joystick
You earned your wings in
TOP GUN. TM Now let's see if
you can keep them.
So you think you're a TOP GUN"
hero, just because you splashed a few
bogeys in the Persian Gulf. Well, before
polishing your ego, you've gotta sur
vive a second mission that's ten times
more deadly than the first
Soaring against an Armageddon
bound armada of planes, tanks, ships
and satellite laser beams, every ounce
of your skill and courage will be drained
as you fight fire with fire, while out-
maneuvering anti-aircraft blasts, can
non bursts and heat seeking missiles
that are looking to roast your tail.
You'll also have the option of con
fronting the enemy's finest pilots one-
on-one! And if you're really obsessed
with combat, you can challenge a friend
to a no-missiles-barred dogfight for air
So prepare to pull some serious G's
in a fighter capable of doing rolls, loops
and Mach 2.5. Because now's the time
for your dreams of glory to either come
true, or crash helplessly into the sea.
Featuring simultaneous play for two
players or play against the computer.
Copyright 01989 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
TOP GUN is a Trademark of Paramont Pictures Corporation. Konami Inc.
Authorized User.
KonamP is a registerd trademark of Konami Industry Co. Ltd.
Underlying Source Code 0 1989 Konami Inc.
Nintendoe and Nintendo Entertainment Systeme are registered
trademarks of Nintendo of America, Inc.
Game Pak (NES-GP) Made in Japan
R IN-n
Seal of Quality
This official seal is your assurance
that Nintendo@ has approved the
quality of this product. Always look
for this seal when buying games
and accessories to ensure complete
compatibility with your Nintendo
Entertainment System.e
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