Game Information

NES - Super Cars Box Art Front

Super Cars is a Racing game, developed by Gremlin Graphics and published by Electro Brain, which was released in 1991.

- TheGamesDB

ReleasedFeb 01, 1991
PublisherElectro Brain

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Take the futuristic speed and atmosphere found in F-Zero and mix in a little battle mode from Super Mario Kart, and you've got Battle Cars, a game with three types of cars and 14 different tracks. Players can shoot missiles and bombs at other cars in order to upgrade their vehicles to compete against bosses and race on tougher courses. One particularly effective weapon can even stall enemy cars in their tracks. The audio/visuals in this game are merely competent, and the racing action is hampered by uneven (and somewhat frustrating) controls, depending on how the car has been upgraded. Still, it's a fairly enjoyable game that is a challenge to complete.

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