Game Information

NES - Gun Nac Box Art FrontNES - Gun Nac Box Art Back

The newly discovered solar system IOTA Synthetica, part of the Galactic Federation of artificial stars, is the hottest new spot in the universe. Millions of people have moved there, hoping for a better quality of life than they've had on the Earth, which depleted its resources long ago. But something strange has been happening in IOTA. A mysterious energy field has surrounded the system, and non-threatening as well as inanimate things are becoming deadly predators and are attacking the residents. As GUN-NAC, you are the only Galactic Commander with the skills and knowledge to take on the evil force and put everything right again. Jump in your star fighter and get ready for the strangest fight of your life let's just hope you're not too late!

Vertical-scrolling shooting action; you're Gun-Nac; take on the evil forces that threaten IOTA Synthetica; challenging gameplay; great graphics and sound effects

Controls: Gamepad

ReleasedSep 01, 1991

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Store Title Price Image
eBayGun Nac (Nintendo Entertainment System, 1991) NES Wata Graded 8 A Sealed $6100 .NES.' | '.Gun Nac.
eBaynes gun nac cib (Amazing rare copy)!!!!! $2020 .NES.' | '.Gun Nac.
eBayGun Nac (Nintendo Entertainment System, 1991) CIB NES Game Manual Inserts Etc. $1200 .NES.' | '.Gun Nac.
eBayGun Nac (Nintendo Entertainment System, 1991) complete $1018.99 .NES.' | '.Gun Nac.
eBayGun Nac (Nintendo Entertainment System, 1991) NES Complete w/ Manual $899.99 .NES.' | '.Gun Nac.
eBayNES Nintendo GUN NAC / GUNNAC - Authentic BOXED Game With Dust Cover! $799.77 .NES.' | '.Gun Nac.
eBayGun-Nac (Nintendo Entertainment System NES) Game Only Tested Working $528.39 .NES.' | '.Gun Nac.
eBayGun Nac (Nintendo NES, 1991) Authentic and Tested! Excellent Condition! $475 .NES.' | '.Gun Nac.
eBayGun Nac (Nintendo Entertainment System, 1991) NES Cart Only Tested RARE $455.22 .NES.' | '.Gun Nac.
eBayGun Nac GunNac ASCII Authentic Nintendo NES EXMT condition game w case $427.49 .NES.' | '.Gun Nac.
eBayGun Nac (Nintendo Entertainment System, 1991) - Cart and Sleeve - Authentic $400 .NES.' | '.Gun Nac.
eBay[IN BOX] NES FC Nintendo GUN NAC Game start confirmed $316.99 .NES.' | '.Gun Nac.
eBayGun Nac galatic guidebook Booklet Only. No Box No Game. Instructions Only!! $250 .NES.' | '.Gun Nac.
eBayGun Nac NES Instruction Manual (MANUAL ONLY!) Complete Your Game! Excellent $249.99 .NES.' | '.Gun Nac.
eBayGun-Nac Gun Nac, Nintendo Entertainment System NES Original Box/Dust Sleeve/Foam $238.5 .NES.' | '.Gun Nac.
eBayNES FC Nintendo GUN NAC Game start confirmed $206.99 .NES.' | '.Gun Nac.
eBayGun Nac NES Instruction Manual (MANUAL ONLY!) RARE! $199 .NES.' | '.Gun Nac.
eBayGun Nac NES Instruction Manual (MANUAL ONLY) RARE! $181.05 .NES.' | '.Gun Nac.
eBayGun-Nac Gun Nac Nintendo NES Rental Cut Box ONLY *DAMAGED $164.92 .NES.' | '.Gun Nac.
eBayNES FC Nintendo GUN NAC Game start confirmed $143.99 .NES.' | '.Gun Nac.
eBayASCII Nexoft News Summer 1991 NES Nintendo Newsletter Gun-Nac RARE $99.95 .NES.' | '.Gun Nac.
eBayASCII Nexoft News Summer 1991 NES Nintendo Newsletter Gun-Nac RARE $49.95 .NES.' | '.Gun Nac.
eBayNES Shmups - Gun Nac Nintendo NES Shoot Em Up Games Cartridge 8 Bit Video Game $32 .NES.' | '.Gun Nac.

Box Description

English and
French Instruc-
tions included
in the manual.
The most happening place in the
universe is the trendy, upscale
solar system of IOTA Synthetica,
part of the Galactic Federation of
artificial stars. It's as far from
dirty old Earth as can be... But
don't sign up to go yet.
A strange cosmic energy field
with a major attitude has en-
gulfed the system, and the most
outrageous things are happen-
ing. Ordinary inanimate objects
are coming to life — harmless
little animals are becoming rabid
giants — and the freaked-out
residents are under attack!
The only Galactic Commander
who can handle this ordeal is the
eccentric renegade called Gun-
Nac. He can oust this aura that's
threatening the destruction of
comfortable artifical life as we
know it. But where in the
universe is he? He could be as
far away as Earth, searching for
a new Game Pak. Commander
Gun-Nac, if you read this, call
H.Q. A.S.A.P., O.K.? We
en franeais
et en anglais
Llendroit le plus branché de
Ilunivers est la systéme solaire
avant-gardiste IOTA Synthética, qui
fait partie de la Fédération Galac-
tique dletoiles artificielles, Clest
trés éloigné de la Terre... Mais ne
consultez pas encore votre agent
de voyage!
Un champ dlénergie cosmique
plutåt bizarre a englouti le systéme,
et des événements ridicules sont
en train de rendre la vie impossible.
Des objets de la maisonnée ont
pris vie, les sympathiques animaux
sont devenus des gigantesques et
horribles créatures, et qui attaquent
les habitants.
Le seul Commandant de la
Galaxie qui peut remédier å cette
situation est Ilexentrique renégat
Gun-Nac. Lui seul peut se débarras-
ser de cette menace qui met en
peril toute existence de vie artifi-
cielle. Mais oü dans Ilunivers
est-il? 11 pourrait étre sur la Terre,
en train de magasiner pour un jeu
vidéo. Commandant Gun-Nac, si
vous lisez ceci, communiquez
immediatement avec vos quartiers
généraux. Nous avons désespéré-
ment besoin de vous!!!
ASCII Entertainment Software, Inc.
11105 Dana Circle, Cypress, California 90630
Made in Japan
For use on your Nintendo Entertainment System.
N.E.E.D. you!
Seal of Quality
Game Pak (NES-GP)
This official seal is your assurance that Nintendo has approved the
quality of this product. Always look for this seal when buying games
and accessories to ensure complete compatibility with your Nintendo
Entertainment System.
01990 Tokyo Shoseki Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 0 1991 ASCII Entertainment
Software, Inc. GUN-NAC is a trademark of ASCII Entertainment Software, Inc.
Nintendo and Nintendo Entertainment System are trademarks of Nintendo of
America Inc.

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